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  • How is Winnie feeling?
    She is hot and tired.
  • Is Winnie happy at the sea?
    Yes, she is.
  • Does Wilbur dive into the sea?
    No, he doesn't.
  • Why are the towns and roads hot?
    Because it is summer.
  • Why does the broomstick land on a whale?
    Because a surfer is on the way.
  • Does the whale like the broomstick on its back?
    No, it doesn't.
  • What season is it?
    It is summer.
  • Are there a lot of people at the beach?
    Yes, there are.
  • Does Winnie dive into the sea?
    Yes, she does.
  • Where is Winnie's broomstick?
    It is foating in the water.
  • Where is Winnie's wand?
    It's in her beach bag.
  • How do Winnie and Wilbur go to the beach?
    The fly on the broomstick.
  • What does Winnie take to the beach?
    She takes her beach towel, her beach bag and her beach umbrella.
  • Can Wilbur swim? Why?
    No, he can't. Because he hates water.
  • What happens to Winnie's things when the sea creeps up?
    They get wet.
  • Where does the broomstick land?
    It lands on a whale's back.