
Food unit A2 KEY

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  • UNJAMBLE THE WORD: I have some (ehsece) and then some fruit like an (lapep) or a (naanba)
    cheese - apple - banana
  • COMPLETE THE MISSING WORD: I need to buy a _________ of cereal for breakfast tomorrow.
  • UNJAMBLE THE WORD: To drink, I have some (ageron ciuje) or some (trewa).
    orange juice - water
  • UNJAMBLE THE WORD: I often have a (disnahwc) for lunch
  • COMPLETE THE MISSING WORD: There's a ___________ of water in the fridge.
  • CHOOSE THE RIGHT WORD: I would like to eat A LITTLE / A FEW chips, please.
    a few
  • There is ___________ bread in the kitchen.
  • I've got ______ apple in my bag.
  • COMPLETE THE MISSING WORD: I've got a ____________ of cola in my bag.
  • COMPLETE THE MISSING WORD: I'd like a big _________ of cake, please.
  • CHOOSE THE RIGHT WORD: There are A LOT OF / A FEW tomatoes in the fridge - about 20.
    a lot of
  • COMPLETE THE MISSING WORD: I sometimes eat a __________ of soup for lunch
  • We haven't got _________ orange juice. Do you want some water?
  • CHOOSE THE RIGHT WORD: HOW MUCH / HOW MANY pizzas do you want?
    how many
  • GUESS THE WORD: People drink tea and coffee in these.
  • CHOOSE THE RIGHT WORD: There is only A LITTLE / A FEW cheese left in the fridge
    a little
  • GUESS THE WORD: This is cold and sweet.
    ice cream
  • COMPLETE THE MISSING WORD: My mum always has a __________ of tea after dinner.
  • GUESS THE WORD: Two slices of bread with something between them.
  • GUESS THE WORD: You drink water or juice from it.
  • CHOOSE THE RIGHT WORD: I've only got A LITTLE / A FEW biscuits to eat.
    a few
  • GUESS THE WORD: I eat a bowl of this every morning with milk and some sugar.
  • CHOOSE THE RIGHT WORD: HOW MUCH / HOW MANY tea do you drink every day?
    how much
  • UNJAMBLE THE WORD: I always have something sweet like some (keac) or two or three (sisbcuti)
    cake - biscuits
  • Have we got _________ cheese?