
Bugs and Insects

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  • What happens to the male pray mantis after they have finished mating?
    Gets his head bitten off
  • How do crickets chirp?
    Rubbing their wings together (one with teeth and one with scraper)
  • What are the three body sections of an insect called?
    Head, Thorax and Abdomen
  • Do male or female bees/wasps sting?
  • Who wins the fight between a Tiger Beetle and Raspy Cricket?
    Tiger Beetle
  • How many eggs does the queen termite lay a day?
  • How do Jewel Beetles camouflage?
    Being iridescent
  • Which insect spends most of its time as an aquatic predator?
  • Which insect uses the moon to navigate?
  • In the microscope activity that Nathan showed, what was one of the slides shown?
    Mouthparts: Ladybug, Mosquito or Fly, Honey bee leg or wing, grasshopper
  • Why do farmers love lady bugs?
    They eat all the pests (aphids)
  • How many legs does an insect have?
  • Why are termite mounds so far above ground?
    To capture the wind for ventilation
  • In what season do most insects lay their eggs?
  • What does a caterpillar turn into before turning into a butterfly?
  • Why are bees important for the environment?
    Important to the pollination of other plants
  • What colour are stick insects when they are babies and why?
    Green to blend in with the leaves they eat.
  • Which state in Australia does not have any cases of Fruit Fly?
    South Australia