
Day of the Dragon King

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  • Use the expression Her/ His " mouth dropped open"
    His mouth dropped open when he saw how much homework he had.
  • What was "one of the world's most important discoveries" discussed in this book?
    China discovered how to make paper.
  • Why was the man dressed as a farmer if he wasn't a farmer?
    He was pretending to be a farmer, he was really a scholar. The Dragon King did not like people who read, wrote or studied.
  • How did the yellow thread/silk help Jack and Annie?
    It guided them out of the tomb.
  • The Dragon King forced many people to _______ to protect China?
    Build a long wall to protect China
  • When do they close the gates of the city?
    Every night at sunset they close the gates.
  • Where did Jack and Annie tell their Mom they are going?
    They told her they were going to CHINA
  • Your partner will ask you a question.
    Is it correct?
  • What are the missing words? ( This research book will____ but in your darkest hour only the legend can ____ you)
    guide / save
  • Why were the soldiers silent?
    They were fake!
  • Your partner will ask you a question
    Is it correct??