
halloween questions

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  • Can you describe your ideal Halloween party?
  • If you could use a magical spell, like a love spell, on somebody, would you?
  • Did you go trick or treating as a child? Can you remember what you dressed up as?
  • Many Halloween costumes for adults seem sexy or overly revealing. Why are these kinds of costumes popular?
  • Some people decorate their house to celebrate Halloween. Do you decorate your home to celebrate any special days?
  • Do you believe in ghosts?
  • Is Halloween an important day in your country? What does it mean to you?
  • Would you let your children go trick or treating without adult supervision? Why or why not?
  • Do you believe in magic?
  • Which is the strangest Halloween costume you have ever seen?
  • One tradition on Halloween is the telling of scary stories. Do you know any scary stories?
  • Do you think there are really witches and monsters and creatures living amongst us in the real world?
  • How is halloween celebrated in the country you live?
  • If you could choose to be any monster or creature, what would it be?
  • Have you ever been to a Halloween party or some other kind of costume party? What did you dress as? What happened at the party?
  • . Do you celebrate Halloween?