
Riddles / Guess a word

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  • A part of an electronic device such as a television, computer, or smartphone, on which you see images and some text.
    a screen
  • You should be good at writing emails, messages and letters on a computer in this job.
    a secretary
  • You should do this with a banana or an orange before eating them.
    to peel
  • It's a type of weather when it's difficult to see anything.
    the fog
  • A device , which is smaller than a laptop but bigger than a phone.
    a tablet
  • It's a person who takes pictures of everything.
    a photographer
  • People make a popular snack for watching movies from this vegetable.
    the corn
  • It's a big black hole in a rock or a mountain, where you can see bats.
    a cave
  • It's a very hot and dry place, with a lot of sand.
    a desert
  • A building, where many people work and make different things.
    a factory
  • A text, that you send your friends in a chat.
    a message
  • When you go online, you can find all kinds of information on them.
  • A journey in which you go somewhere to see different places, usually for a short time, and come back again.
    a trip
  • A kind of building, where a king and a queen lived in the past
    a castle
  • Look up when you are outside in the day or at night and you will always see this.
    the sky
  • It looks like a mountain, but is much smaller.
    a hill
  • It's a very cold thing, that we add to our drinks to make them cooler.
    the ice