
G2 Ch5 L3 Changes in Weather (Clouds)

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  • What does it mean to INDICATE something?
    It means to SHOW, PREDICT, or POINT OUT something.
  • What is this process of evaporation, condensation, and precipitation called?
    It's called the WATER CYCLE.
  • Name one SAFETY TIP for thunderstorms.
    Avoid open spaces, stay out of water, don't stand under trees, stay indoors, don't touch metal objects.
  • What is this called? Describe it.
    It's a TORNADO, a spinning column of air (or" a very powerful storm).
  • What are these clouds called? What do they cause?
    They're called cumulonimbus. They cause thunderstorms (and sometimes even tornadoes).
  • What do CIRRUS clouds look like? What kind of weather do they INDICATE?
    They're thin and wispy. They indicate windy weather, and a coming change in weather.
  • What do STRATUS clouds look like? What kind of weather do they INDICATE?
    They're grey and flat like a big blanket. They indicate cloudy weather, maybe with a little precipitation.
  • Name the three STAGES of the WATER CYCLE.
    Evaporation, condensation, precipitation. (also: collection)
  • What do CUMULUS clouds look like? What kind of weather do they INDICATE?
    They're white and fluffy. They indicate good, calm weather with blue skies.
  • What is a METEOROLOGIST?
    It's a scientist who studies weather.