
Alice in Wonderland_Day 3

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  • What do you do when you get upset?
  • What is one thing Alice really wants to do?
    She wants to go to the garden.
  • What part of your body are you thankful for?
  • After Alice grows very large, how does she shrink again to be the size of a mouse?
    She fans herself with the fan the White Rabbit dropped.
  • When Alice is swimming, she is not in a pool or the sea, but rather in what?
    She is swimming in her own tears.
  • What does "nonsense" mean?
    doesn't make sense.
  • Do you get scolded sometimes? Why?
  • Describe Alice using 3 words
  • Why did the rabbit run away?
    He was scared of Alice
  • What happens when Alice eats the cake labeled, EAT ME?
    She grows very large.
  • Describe a time when you have felt either very big (i.e. inside a playhouse) or very small (next to a large building). How did this make you feel?
    Answers will vary.
  • What does Duchess mean?
    a queen
  • Make some predictions: What do you think will happen next?
    Answers will vary.
  • What happens when Alice drinks the bottle labeled, DRINK ME?
    She shrinks and can fit into the door to reach the garden.