
Review- Checkpoint #4

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  • This institution gave the framers the idea of creating a representative assembly.
    Virginia House of Burgesses
  • This is an example of which principle of government?
    Checks and Balances
  • What year was the U.S. Constitution written in?
  • Freedom of religion, speech, petition, press and assembly are examples of what principle of government?
    Individual Rights
  • How can the Legislative branch pass a bill without the president's signature?
    override the veto with 2/3 vote in Congress
  • Who was the "Father of the Constitution"
    James Madison
  • Which of the following correctly describes the 3/5 Compromise?
  • "We the People" is an example of what principle of government?
    Popular Sovereignty
  • Name the 2 houses in Congress.
    The Senate and the House of Representatives
  • What document gave us the idea of a limited government?
    Magna Carta
  • Where was the Constitutional Convention held?
    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • What was the name of the compromise that created a bicameral legislature?
    The Great (Connecticut) Compromise
  • Which branch makes the laws?
  • Why was this congressional structure created by the Framers of the Constitution?
  • What is the purpose of this amendment?
  • Baron Charles de Montesquieu is known for the idea of -
    Separation of Powers
  • The idea that no one is above the law is an example of which principle?
    Limited Government
  • Which branch was the power to veto?
    Executive (President)
  • Which principle is reflected in the image?
    Separation of Powers
  • Events such as this one contributed to the
  • Which phrase best represents the principle of republicanism?
  • This excerpt provides an example of which Constitutional principle?
  • Name the three branches of government.
    Legislative, Executive and Judicial