
IELTS Animal Idioms

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  • Have you met our new manager? He really thinks he's the _____'s knees! (to think you are very clever and important)
  • The party was wonderful. We had a _____ of a time. (to have a lot of fun)
  • I'm so hungry, I could eat a _____! (an expression used for saying that you are very hungry)
  • Tony! What a surprise! It's wonderful to see you again. I haven't seen you for _____'s years! (an extremely long time)
  • Antonia is very timid: she wouldn't say boo to a _____. (an expression used to describe someone who is very quiet and shy)
  • What do you think of our new English teacher? Personally I think she's a bit of a cold _____. (someone who is not very friendly)
  • I can't help you at the moment, I'm afraid. I've got bigger _____ to fry. (to have more important things to do or think about)
  • William didn't get the promotion he wanted last year, and he's had a _____ in his bonnet about it ever since. (to be very involved in something that you think is important, in a way that other people find annoying)