
True or False: L15 getting used to grammar quiz

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  • Shakespear used to have men play women in plays because women were not allowed to act.
  • People used to think the Earth was flat.
    False (however some people do think this now!)
  • Due to the build-up of gases in hWilliam the Conqueror used to eat so much, his stomach exploded at his funeral, covering all the guests.
  • People who used to play games instead of doing homework as children are more likely to be successful.
  • Are you getting blisters from new shoes? People used to pee on new shoes to make them soft!
  • Ancient Egyptian Pharaoh Pepi II used to cover servants in honey so flies would annoy them instead of himself.
  • In some countries in Europe like France, people are used to eating a lot of cheese and milk, causing their stomach to change shape.
  • In 1786, a cow used to work in the House of Commons in protest against the king.
  • Monkeys are getting smarter! Monkeys used to only be able to learn 600 words, but Kanzi the monkey knows over 5,000!
    False: Kanzi knows 3,000 words
  • When getting used to living in London, you'll find all your bogies will turn black!
  • When people’s teeth fell out, dentists in the UK used to take some teeth from soldiers or poor children.