
When and Why Questions

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  • Thomas is going running in the morning so that he can stay in shape. When is Thomas going running?
    when it's morning/in the morning
  • Caleb is coming home for a visit next weekend. Why is Caleb coming home?
    for a visit
  • My best friend is coming to stay with me for the summer. When is my best friend coming to stay?
    when it's summer/in the summer
  • Maddie is going to her friend's house for a sleepover on Saturday. When is Maddie going to her friend's house?
    on Saturday
  • My dad carved the pumpkin on Halloween. When did dad carve the pumpkin?
    when it was Halloween/on Halloween
  • Ricky has soccer practice after school tomorrow? When is his soccer practice?
    when school is over tomorrow/after school tomorrow
  • Since I did not do well on the test, my teacher told me to come to tutorial. Why did my teacher tell me to come to tutorial?
    because I did not do well on the test
  • Grandma will make our favorite pancakes for breakfast in the morning. When will Grandma make our favorite pancakes?
    when it's morning/in the morning
  • My mom told me to clean my room last night, but I forgot. When did mom tell me to clean my room?
    last night
  • Since I am not very good at building things, Grandpa is helping me make the chair for my class project. Why is Grandpa helping him build the chair?
    because he is not good at building things
  • My mom will buy me a new dress for the party this weekend. Why will mom buy her a new dress?
    so she can wear it to the party
  • Victoria is going to the library tonight so that she can study for her science test. Why is she going to the library?
    so she can study for her science test
  • Sarah is staying after school today to wait for her friend, Mary. Why is Sarah staying after school today?
    to wait for her friend, Mary
  • Mary is eating her favorite meal for lunch today since it is her birthday. Why is Mary having her favorite meal for lunch?
    because it is her birthday
  • Trevor is outside washing his car because it is very dirty. Why is Trevor washing his car?
    because it is dirty