
Voice Therapy Practice

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  • Say this word using a "hum": moth
  • Say this sentence using humming: Kneel down near me.
  • Say this sentence using humming: I want to make more money.
  • Say this word using a "hum": minnow
  • What does prosody describe?
    The change in pitch (high/low sounds-music notes) over a sentence or story.
  • What volume level is safe for speaking?
  • Name 3 healthy behaviors that support your voice
    Drink water, deep breath, hard candies, vocal rest, etc.
  • What does it mean to take a vocal rest?
    When you take a break from speaking, when your voice/throat is feeling sore (sometimes due to injury, yelling, etc.)
  • What structure/tissue fills with air when you breathe in?
    Larynx (Adam's Apple)
    Trachea (windpipe)
  • Where should you feel vibration when humming?
  • Describe how to complete deep breaths
    Breathe in (5 seconds), hold breath 1-3 seconds, breathe out 5 seconds.
  • Describe how your voice feels right now. Has this changed over the past week?
  • What structure protects your vocal folds (cords) from trauma?
    Trachea (windpipe)
    Larynx (Adam's apple)
  • Name one reason why it is a good idea to stay hydrated during the day:
    The liquid will move inside your body and support your vocal cord tissues
  • Take 5 deep breaths
  • What does pitch describe?
    How high or low one's sounds are (music notes).
  • What can you do if your throat/voice starts to ache or hurts?
    Listen to your body. Drink water, take vocal rest, practice deep breaths/hums.
  • What are two paths to take a breath?
    Nose, mouth
  • How can yelling (or speaking loudly) hurt your voice?
    It can demage your vocal cords.
  • Practice 5 hums
  • Say this word using a "hum": milk