
Halloween Jokes and Riddles

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  • What can't you give a headless horseman?
    A headache
  • What animal is best at baseball?
    A bat
  • What's worse than being a five-ton witch?
    Being her broom
  • A symbol of death, that no body owns, no heart have I, nor flesh on my bones. What am I?
    A skeleton
  • Why don't skeletons like dancing?
    Because they have no body to dance with.
  • What room is useless for ghosts?
    The Living Room!
  • What do you call a witch's garage?
    A broom closet
  • What do you call a little monster's parents?
    Mummy and Deady
  • What's a vampire's favourite part of the guitar?
    The neck
  • What Jack has a head but no lantern?
  • What's it called when a vampire has trouble with his house?
    A grave problem
  • What did the skeleton order with his drink?
    A mop
  • Why didn't the vampire have any friends?
    Because he was a pain in the neck
  • What do you call a nervous witch?
    A twitch!
  • What happens when a ghost gets lost in the fog?
    He is mist
  • Why did the witch refuse to wear a flat hat?
    Because there was no point to it.
  • What was the witch's favorite subject in school?