
Name 5

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  • 3 places where you can fall asleep
    sofa, bed, hotel, tent, train, ....
  • 2 excuses for missing the lesson
    traffic, illness, work, family problem, laziness
  • 2 things that are read
    newspaper, book, magazine, subtitles, texts
  • 2 synonyms of good
    great, fine, nice, pleasant, satisfactory...
  • 2 synonyms for small
    tiny, petit, minute, short, wee, ...
  • 5 red foods
    tomatoes, strawberries, raspberries, paprika, chilli peppers, ....
  • 3 things people like to collect
    magnets, stamps, tickets, concert t-shirts, ,....
  • 2 synonyms of sad
    miserable, gloomy, upset, depressed, unhappy....
  • 2 genres of programmes you can watch on TV
    the news, soap operas, chat shows, documentaries, cartoons
  • 2 things that are watched
    tv, films, the sunset, people passing by....
  • 2 flowers
    roses, daisies, poppies, lilies, petunias, ....
  • 3 things in a classroom
    whiteboard, books, pens, chairs, desks
  • 2 means of communication
    letter, texting, phoning, talking, signs
  • 3 kitchen gadgets
    whisk, blender, kettle, toaster, microwave
  • 2 things that are listened to
    the radio, the birds, people gossiping, a podcast...
  • 3 things you use in the bathroom
    the sink, the shower, the mirror, the toiler, a towel
  • 2 sour foods
    lemon, lime, vinegar, pickles, green apples
  • 2 types of music
    jazz, hip hop, rap, rock, classical....