
Why questions? ow3u5

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  • A desert is dry and hot.→Why&Answer
    Why is a desert dry and hot? (it doesn't rain a lot)
  • Ostriches can run fast.→Why&Answer
    Why can ostriches run fast?(strong legs)
  • Elephants have long trunks.→Why&Answer
    Why do elephants have long trunks? (no hands)
  • A monkey has a long tail.→Why&Answer
    Why does a monkey have a long tail? (needs to keep balance)
  • A giraffe can eat leaves at the top of trees.→Why&Answer
    Why can a giraffe eat leaves at the top of trees? (a long neck and tongue)
  •  Pigs are fat.→Why&Answer
    Why are pigs fat? (eat and sleep a lot)
  • A panda is cute.→Why&Answer
    Why is a panda cute? (black and white fur/ silly)
  • Arctic hares can hide in the snow.→Why&Answer
    Why can arctic hares hide in the snow? (white fur)
  • An elephant can't climb.→Why&Answer
    Why can't an elephant climb?(big and fat)
  • Crocodiles are scary.→Why&Answer
    Why are crocodiles scary? (a big mouth and sharp teeth)
  • Butterflies are beautiful.→Why&Answer
    Why are butterflies beautiful? (colorful wings)
  • A cheetah is so fast.→Why&Answer
    Why is a cheetah so fast? (strong legs)
  • A penguin can't fly.→Why&Answer
    Why can't a penguin fly? (small wings/fat)
  • Kate goes to USA by airplane.→Why&Answer
    Why does Kate go to USA by airplane? (can't fly)
  • A camel can go without water for a long time. →Why&Answer
    Why can a camel go without water for a long time?  (humps)
  • Owls can see at night .→Why&Answer
    Why can owls see at night? (big eyes)
  • I go to school every day .→Why&Answer
    Why do you go to school every day ? (need to learn)
  • Arctic and Antarctic are very cold.→Why&Answer
    Why are Arctic and Antarctic very cold? (snow and ice)
  • A tiger has sharp teeth.→Why&Answer
    Why does a tiger have sharp teeth? (needs to eat meat)
  • We learn English.→Why&Answer
    Why do you learn English? (important)
  • Rainforests are very wet.→Why&Answer
    Why are rainforests very wet? (it rains a lot)
  • They don't like to do homework.→Why&Answer
    Why don't they like to do homework? (boring)
  • Ice cream tastes delicious.→Why&Answer
    Why does ice cream taste delicious? (sweet)
  • A polar bear has white fur.→Why&Answer
    Why does a polar bear have white fur? (needs to hide in the snow)