
/th/ Articulation & Idioms

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  • Two thumbs up really means...
    It's super awesome!
  • The early bird gets the worm really means...
    The first person there gets first pick/best choice
  • The best of both worlds really means...
    You get to do/have two things you really like!
  • Throw someone under the bus really means...
    Tell/tattle on someone
  • Smell something fishy really means...
    Something is not right and suspicious
  • Under the weather really means...
  • Through thick and thin really means...
    We've been through a lot of good and bad times together
  • It's raining cats and dogs really means...
    It's raining very heavily.
  • Rain on someone's parade really means...
    Dismiss their happiness/good news
  • Get your act together really means...
    Stop acting that way
  • Bite off more than you can chew really means...
    Take on too many things
  • A picture is worth a thousand words really means...
    It is easier to show something in a picture than describe it with words
  • Give the cold shoulder really means...
    Avoid talking to someone
  • Down to earth really means...
    Chill personality
  • Steal someone's thunder really means...
    Take the attention away from them
  • Run like the wind really means...
    Run very fast