
IR 4.2 Vocab Week 13

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  • It is normal to ____ sadly when you hear you have failed a level up test. :(
    react (v)
  • Centipedes and crabs are _____.
    arthropods (n)
  • The student looked _____ when he found out he had failed the grammar test.
    crestfallen (adj)
  • The votes to watch the hamster maze video ____ (ed) the votes that wanted to watch lego food.
    outnumber (v)
  • The chef added flavor to the dish with ____(s) of parsley.
    sprig (n)
  • The student ___(ed) to save all his MI dollars for the next market day because he did not find any items he liked.
    opt (v)
  • I cant believe that some people think that spiders are ____.
    edible (adj)
  • I took ____ when my friend made fun of my new favorite shoes.
    offense (n)
  • Mosquitos are the worst ____ (s) in the world and I want to kill them all!!!
    pest (n)
  • Some students that have bad _____(s) in class will annoy their teacher very much.
    attitude (n)
  • The dad was _____ when he found out his family had planned a surprise birthday party for him.
    astounded (adj)
  • There was an ____ among the students when they found out they had to write 10 essays in one week!
    outrage (n)
  • _____ were quite scary to me at first because they made a loud sound and were quite big!
    cicada (n)
  • In order to avoid students ____(ing) in their seats, we take 5 minute breaks during MI classes.
    fidget (v)
  • The fresh pizza that came out of the oven was seriously so _____.
    luscious (adj)
  • Since he wanted to be a famous cook, he had to go to _____ school.
    culinary (adj)
  • Talking in Korean while inside MI is ______.
    forbidden (adj)
  • History is about learning the things our ____(s) did in the past.
    ancestor (n)
  • Teachers are ____ to have kind students that listen well in class.
    avid (adj)
  • Sushi is the most famous ____ of Japan!
    delicacy (n)