
G2 Ch2 L3 Staying Alive

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  • How do these fish stay alive?
    They swim in large GROUPS, called SCHOOLS.
  • What CLASS of animal feeds MILK to its young?
    Only MAMMALS do that.
  • What are ADAPTATIONS?
    They're animal PARTS or BEHAVIORS (actions) that help them stay alive.
  • What animal is this? What does it have to stay alive?
    It's a PORCUPINE. It has QUILLS (spikes).
  • What is a baby butterfly called?
    It's called a CATERPILLAR (or: larva).
  • What kind of animal is this? What can it do to stay alive?
    It's a lizard called a CHAMELEON. It can CHANGE COLOR to CAMOUFLAGE itself.
  • What is MIMICRY?
    It's when animals LOOK LIKE DANGEROUS animals to stay safe (by tricking other animals).
  • What kind of animal is this? What does it have to stay alive?
    It's an ARMADILLO. It has a SHELL.
  • Some animals look like their surroundings. What's this called?
    It's called CAMOUFLAGE.
  • What animal is this? How does it survive?
    It's a LEOPARD. It uses CAMOUFLAGE (spots/patterns to blend in).