
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer - Recap -

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  • Why could Injun Joe point Muff Potter as the murderer?
    Because Muff Potter was drunk and he didn't remember what happened.
  • Why did Tom decide to leave St. Petersburg? Where does he go?
    Because he felt unhappy. He went to Jackson's Island.
  • Why did Tom decide to break the promise?
    Because he wanted to save Muff Potter.
  • What do Tom and Huck know about Muff Potter?
    They know he drinks a lot but he is a good person.
  • What is Becky going to do for her birthday?
    She's going to have a picnic at the caves.
  • Why did the boys decide to make a promise in blood?
    Because they were scared of Injun Joe and they decided not to tell what they saw.
  • What piece of evidence connects Muff Potter to Doctor Robinson's murder?
    His knife.
  • What did Injun Joe find in the haunted house? What did he decide to do with it?
    He found the treasure. He wanted to hide it somewhere else.
  • What did Tom think was Injun Joe's plan after leaving the court?
    He wanted to get revenge on Tom.
  • What did Tom want to find in the Haunted House?
    He wants to find some buried treasure.