
Unlock 3 RW Unit2 The environment

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  • global warming (n)
    in increase in the Earth's temperature because of pollution.全球(气候)变暖;
  • predict (v)
    to say what you think will happen in the future.预报;预言
  • construction (n)
    the process of building something, usually large structures such as houses, roads or bridges.施工;建筑
  • fossil fuel (n)
    a source of energy like coal, gas and petroleum, that was formed inside the Earth millions of years ago. 化石燃料(如煤或石油)
  • contribute to (phrasal verb)
    to be one of the causes of an event or a situation. 为...做贡献
  • consequence (n)
    the results of an action or situation, especially bad results.后果
  • climate (n)
    the general weather conditions usually found in a particular place.气候
  • trend (n)
    a general development or change in a situation. 趋势;动向;
  • atmosphere (noun)
    A thin layer of gases surrounding Earth.大气;气氛;
  • absorb (verb)
    to take in 吸收
  • rainforest (n)
    a forest in a tropical area with a rainfall of 250 cm or more per year.(热带)雨林
  • effect (n)
    result; a change which happens because of a cause影响;作用;
  • logging (n)
    The activity or business of cutting down trees for wood.伐木作业
  • destruction (n.)
    the act of causing so much damage to something that it stops existing because of it cannot be repaired. 破坏;毁灭;
  • threaten (v)
    to be likely to damage or harm something.威胁;危及;
  • area (noun)
    the number of square units needed to cover a surface区;面积
  • issue (n)
    an important subject or problem that people are discussing;重要议题;争论的问题
  • challenge (n)
    something that is difficult and that tests someone's ability or determination.挑战;质疑;
  • cause (n)
    The reason why something happens.原因
  • ecosystem (n)
    all the living things in an area and the effect they have on each other and the environment. 生态系统
  • farming (n)
    the job of working on a farm or organizing work on a farm.务农;农场经营
  • annual (adjective)
    Occurring every year 一年一次的
  • greenhouse gas (n)
    a gas which makes the air around the Earth warmer;温室气体(尤指二氧化碳)