
Halloween Idioms

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  • Miss Sabrina is blind as a bat! She can't see without her glasses
    blind as a bat = very poor sight
  • She makes my blood boil
    make blood boil = to make someone very angry
  • You're being a scaredy-cat!
    scaredy-cat = someone who is very afraid
  • I wasn't going to tell anyone about the surprise party, but I think I let the cat out of the bag.
    let the cat out of the bag = revealing a surprise or secret that was supposed to stay hidden
  • I turned white as a ghost when I was watching that Halloween movie
    white as a ghost = to be so scared you turn white or pale in the face
  • I went to the library yesterday and it was like a ghost town! No one else was there.
    ghost town = a place with very little people
  • I know you know what happened. Spill your guts!
    spill your guts = tell me what you're hiding