
Identify Adjectives

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  • He has little intelligence (1)
  • Few people can remain hungry for long. (1)
  • Dolphins use echolocation - a type of natural sonar - to detect the size, shape and speed of an object. To do so they emit rapid clicks and then interpret the echoes. (2)
    natural and rapid
  • A frequent traveller, Wendy feels frustrated by the fluctuating costs of airfare. from day to day, or even during the course of the day, the price of a ticket can vary widely (3)
    frequent, frustrated, and fluctuating
  • He has some sense (1)
  • The ship sustained heavy damage (1)
  • There are numerous economic consequences of drought; for example, farmers may lose money when crops die, and the cost of food may increase. (2)
    numerous and economic
  • For the interview, Christine elected to wear a professional white blouse and a pair of grey trousers with pinstripes (3)
    professional, white and grey
  • Upon reflection, Jasmine decided that the best course of action would be to step down as chair of the board (1)
  • The light danced on the surface of the lake as Caitlin took in the magical scene before her (1)
  • Beth, curious, followed the melodic sound down the stairs and found John at the piano. (2)
    curious and melodic
  • The wind howled as it swept through the trees in the garden - a winter storm was on the way. (1)
  • Before a marathon, runners often eat carbohydrates such as pasta or potatoes because the body converts these foods into glucose, a sugar that provides energy. (1)
  • The Victorian era in Britain, which lasted for most of the nineteenth century, was a time of peace, prosperity, and reform. (2)
    Victorian and nineteenth