
Halloween Trivia

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  • Which U.S. state produces the most pumpkins? A. Iowa B. Illinois C. Indiana
    B. Illinois! In 2021, Maintained its leading position in pumpkin acreage, harvesting twice as many pumpkin acres as any of the other State 15,900 acres
  • What was candy corn originally called? A. Sweet Corn B. Halloween Candy C. Chicken Feed
    "Chicken Feed" was the original name of the candy with production starting in the late 1880s.
  • What are we predicating to be the most common Halloween costume for 2022? A. Hocus Pocus B. Marvel Superheros C. Skeletons
    Given the popularity of Hocus Pocus 2, it's no surprise that witch costumes topped Google's list of most popular Halloween costumes.
  • What was used before pumpkins to make jack o'lanterns? A. Potatoes & Zucchini B. Acorn Squash & Tomatoes C. Potatoes & Turnip
    The Irish, who started the tradition, 1st used potatoes & turnips for jack o'lanterns before finding that pumpkins were actually easier to carve.
  • How many pounds of candy corn are produced each year? A. 35 million pounds B. 2 million pounds C. 10 pounds
    A whopping 35 million pounds of candy corn is made every year—amounting to about 9 billion pieces.
  • Which of the follow is NOT a Halloween movie? A. Hocus Pocus B. The Grinch C. Halloween Town
    B. The Grinch
  • True or False: Pumpkins are a fruit NOT a vegetable.
    True! A pumpkin is a fruit simply because anything that starts from a flower is botanically a fruit.
  • What was the most popular pet costume for 2021? A. Hotdog B. Bat C. Pumpkin
    According to those surveyed by the National Retail Federation (NRF), pumpkins are the most popular costume (#2 Hotdogs #3 Bats)
  • True or False: It is bad luck to see a black cat on Halloween?
    False Trick-or-treating had become a holiday tradition, and the presence of a black cat at your door protected your home from evil spirits that might come knock
  • How much did Americans spend on Halloween in 2021 (Candy, Costumes, Decor, etc.)? A. 7.2 Billion B. 2.8 Billion C. 10.14 Billion
    Americans spent around $10.14 billion on the ghoulish holiday in 2021, a record high, with an estimated $10.6 billion in spending set for 2022.
  • What is Illinois top favorite Halloween candy? A. M&M B. Sour Patch Kids C. Snickers
    B. Sour Patch Kids
  • What is the most popular Halloween candy for 2021? A. Reese's Cups B. Kit-kats C. Snickers
    What is the most popular Halloween candy 2021: Reese's Cups is nationwide winner, according to