
Once Upon a Time...

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  • What type of elements can we find in fairy tales? Name some
    Enchanted elements like: spells, magic beans, magic wands, swords, mirrors, cauldrons
  • What is this?
    It's a giant!
  • Name four typical fairy tale characters
    fairy, prince,  witch, talking animal, princess, king, queen
  • Fairy tales usually end with this phrase:
    They lived happily ever after.
  • Fairy tales usually begin with this phrase:
    Once upon a time....
  • Name, at least, two typical fairy tale settings
    forest/woods, castle, tower, hut
  • What kind of characters are usually villains?
    Witches, dragons, wolfs, trolls
  • What is this?
    a magic wand
  • Who are the magic characters that usually help the other characters?
    Fairy Godmothers