
Halloween Idioms

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  • Seeing her pass the test, even though I know she cheated, MADE MY BLOOD BOIL.
    become angry
  • I don't like waking up early, I'm more of a night owl.
    Someone who likes being awake at night.
  • A: Hey, apparently, Jane spent time in prison years ago. Who'd have thought it?? B: Well, we all have skeletons in the closet. 
    Something you want to keep secret; possibly embarrassing
  • A: So, Sarah SPILLED HER GUTS to me yesterday. B: Oh, yeah? A: Yeah, she hasn't told anybody else, but she's quitting her job.
  • Walking through the cemetery late at night sent shivers down my spine.
    Something is creepy or weird, makes you uncomfortable
  • Why did you tell everyone my secret? You really STABBED ME IN THE BACK.
    Betray somebody
  • The heinous crime was committed in cold blood.
    Doing something ruthless or mean, without giving it much thought.
  • A: Have you seen John today? B: No, I haven't. Ah! SPEAK OF THE DEVIL! Hi, John.
    when someone appears as you're talking about them.
  • A: Wow, you look absolutely dead on your feet today. B: Yeah, I stayed up all night studying for the English test.
    Extremely tired
  • A: I'm going to skip English class. B: Okay, but you are digging your own grave for the test.
    You are doing something which cause problems for yourself later.
  • I went for a walk at 5am. I didn't see anyone around, it was like a ghost town.
    a place where there is few or no people
  • She looked drop-dead gorgeous in that dress.
    Very beautiful
  • C'mon, try bungee jumping! Don't be such a scaredy cat!
    Don't be scared
  • A: I have decided not to take maths this year. B: I hope that doesn't COME BACK TO HAUNT YOU when you apply for university.
    This decision will hurt you in the future.
  • I'm working the graveyard shift tonight, so I will sleep all day.
    Working at night
  • That horror movie MADE MY BLOOD RUN COLD.
    Feel scared/terrified.
  • My Italian ancestors would TURN IN THEIR GRAVES if they saw how I make pasta.
    Someone who has died would be very upset if they saw ~
  • A: Dad, can I buy myself a motorbike? B: Over my dead body!
    Something you wouldn't allow to happen (unless you're dead and can't do anything)