
Places in town

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  • Where can you go to see a movie?
    The cinema
  • What is this place?
    A museum
  • What is this place?
    A supermarket
  • What is this place?
    A shopping centre
  • What is this place?
    A stadium
  • What is this place?
    The zoo
  • Where can you go to catch a train?
    The train station
  • Where can you go to buy fresh bread and biscuits?
    The bakery
  • Where can you go to see the doctor?
    The hospital
  • Where can you go to play outside?
    The park
  • What is this place?
    A chemist's
  • Where can you go to go for a swim?
    The swimming pool
  • Where can you go to see different animals?
    The zoo
  • Where can you go to send letters?
    The post office