
RHG3A Reach G3A L24 Ba's Business U4L3

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  • Name a word with the prefix 'super'
    e.g. superman, supercar, supermarket
  • Which of these words is an 'action verb'?
  • Name a word with the prefix 'pre'
    e.g. preview, preread
  • Name an action verb
    e.g. run, jump, argue
  • Name an action verb.
    do, play, fight, turn over...
  • How did Ba's character change by the end of today's story?
  • Tell us about a time you changed your mind about something?
  • Name a word with the prefix 're'
    Return, redo, rewrite, review
  • Which of these sentences has a plural subject?
    The cat is smarter than the dog.
    My dog is the best.
    The dogs are very naughty.
    Rain is horrible.