
"One flew over the cuckoo's nest" movie

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  • Who knows that Bromden is not really deaf?
  • What does Bancini repeatedly complain about?
    Being tired.
  • What team sport does McMurphy teach the men to play?
  • Where did the work-farm prison sent McMurphy to?
    Oregon insane asylum for evaluation
  • Who did nurse Ratched threaten to tell about Billy's affair?
    his mother
  • Who did Billy have an affair with ?
  • Who runs the Oregon insane asylum for evaluation?
    Nurse Ratched
  • When the Chief realized that R.P. McMurphy was turned into the equivalent of a vegetable, what did he do to him?
    he strangled him with a pillow
  • What does the Chief tell McMurphy about his father?
    that society repressed him and tirned him into an alcoholic
  • Is Chief mentally ill?
  • Why does the chief kill McMurphy at the end of the film?
    Because McMurhy is not sane anymore and the Chief doesn't want him to suffer.
  • What is Dr Spivey holding in the photo on his desk?
    A 30 pound fish
  • What Chief Bromden is alleged to be?
    deaf and mute
  • Nurse Ratched opposes the patients' request to watch TV because
    this would upset the schedule
  • Why does Bromden fool people into thinking that he's deaf and dumb?
    In order to stay unnoticed. Also, people say things in front of him that he shouldn't necessarily know.
  • How does McMurphy climb the fence to steal the bus?
    the Chief lifts him up
  • What does McMurphy tell the man who catches them stealing the boat from the docks?
    the truth that they are all from a mental hospital.
  • Why is the Chief's speech about his father important?
    Because it warns McMurphy about what society can do to man
  • What facility was McMurphy first staying at ?
    at a work-farm prison
  • In what year was the film made?
  • What do the men in the ward vote on?
    watching the world series
  • What does McMurphy win from the other patients when they play cards?
    Hundreds of cigarettes. However, he allows them to win the cigarettes back.
  • What image is on McMurphy's playing card?
    a naked woman
  • The character that stutters when he talks is
    Billy Bibbit
  • Who escaped through the broken window to freedom?
  • Who wrote the novel "one flew over the cuckoo's nest" 1962 ?
    Ken Kesey's
  • What did Mr.Harding suspect his wife doing ?
  • Who decides ultimately when the patients can leave?
    Nurse Ratched
  • What is the real message of the film?
    The triumph of the human spirit
  • What bribe did McMurpy give Orderly Turkle to let hiss friends in the hospital?
  • At first, why do none of the patients vote to watch the World Series?
    They are afraid of the repercussions from Ratched.
  • When Nurse Ratched will not turn on the World Series, what does McMurphy do?
    He pretends to be watching the world series on TV
  • How many academy awards did the film win?
  • Is R.P. McMurphy crazy?
  • Why does Billy Bibbit kill himself?
    Nurse Ratched shames him and threatens that she will tell Billy's mother that he slept with Candy
  • Who plays McMurhy in the film?
    Jack Nicholson
  • What secret was the Chief keeping ?
    his not deaf, he can speak
  • What sport does McMurphy trying to teach the Chief?
    Basket Ball
  • After the fishing trip incident the committee want to send MCMurphy back to the work-farm. Who wanted to keep him at the hospital?
    Nurse Ratched
  • What is Nurse Ratched's personal connection to Billy?
    Billy's mother is her friend
  • What was the purpose for the vote between the patients ?
    to change the schedule in order to watch the World Series game