
Past Progressive Sentence Scramble

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  • trampoline were the they on jumping
    Were they jumping on the trampoline?
  • were the they house painting
    They were painting the house.
  • party everybody dancing at was the 
    Everybody was dancing at the party.
  • the crying wasn't baby
    The baby wasn't crying.
  • dinner he cooking wasn't
    He wasn't cooking dinner.
  • video games playing wasn't I
    I wasn't playing video games.
  • work mom doing my was her 
    My mom was doing her work.
  • birthday cake John baking my was a chocolate for
    John was baking a chocolate cake for my birthday.
  • letter you writing were a
    Were you writing a letter?
  • ringing phone was your
    Was your phone ringing?
  • garden running in were the they
    Were they running in the garden?
  • dog he the was of painting picture a
    He was painting a picture of the dog.
  • tree in the canary singing was the 
    The canary was singing in the tree.
  • bell finishing rang I was exam the when the
    I was finishing the exam when the bell rang.
  • sister was night sleeping my all
    My sister was sleeping all night.
  • car was a grandma driving
    Was grandma driving a car?