
Making Predictions

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  • Will there be libraries in the future?
    Example answer: No, there won't.
  • Will students have teachers in the classroom by 2050?
    Example answer: Yes, they will. Teachers will still be in the classroom.
  • In the future, will people drive normal cars?
    Example answer: No, they won't. They will drive driverless cars.
  • Will computers know how people feel?
    Example answer: Yes, they will.
  • Will there be notebooks and books in the future?
    Example answer: No, there won't.
  • Will students ride buses to school?
    Example answer: No, they won't.
  • Will people have smartphones in the future?
    Example answer: No, they won't.
  • Will there be flying cars?
    Example answer: Yes, there will.
  • Will we have huge computers in the future?
    Example answer: No, we won't. Computers will be very small that we can put them in our pockets.