
History Chapter 15, Story of the World Volume 2

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  • Why were the Celts and the Anglo-Saxons so frightened of the Vikings?
    They raided farms and monasteries, kidnapped women and children.
  • Britain is divided into four parts, name them.
    Ireland, Scotland, Wales, England
  • How did William trick Harold at the feast?
    he had Harold swear to give William the throne on a box of sacred relics.
  • What is the name of the famous battle, where William and Harold's armies fought one another?
    Battle of Hastings
  • Who lead "The Great Army"?
    Halfdan and Ivar the Boneless
  • Why didn't the British drive the Vikings out of their country?
    Britain was divided into 7 kingdoms and they didn't have a strong king to fight back.
  • Why did William of Normandy think he should be king?
    He was married to an English princess and was related to the king.
  • When Edward the Confessor died, did Harold honor his promise to let William become king?
  • Edward the Confessor had no sons. What nobleman did his advisors appoint to be the next King?
    Harold, a nobleman
  • Why didn't English advisors want William of Normandy to be king?
    He wasn't English and they didn't want a Norman ruler.
  • What "bad omen" did the people of England see when Harold became king?
    Halley's Comet
  • Who won the Battle of Hastings, the English or the Normans?
    The Normans
  • Name the 5 parts of the world that the Vikings invaded?
    Iceland, Greenland, North America, France, Britain
  • What name was carved on Harold's tomb?
    Harold the Unfortunate
  • The Celts first lived in Britain. Who tried to conquer the Celts first?
  • What Viking became king of England?
    Sweyn Forkbeard
  • What was the new name give to the man who conquered the English in the Battle of Hastings?
    Williams the Conquerer
  • Once the Viking began to rule England, did they still think of themselves as Vikings?
    No, they traded and married each other. They were English
  • What was huge band of Viking invaders that landed in England called?
    The Great Army
  • Who came to conquer Britain after the Romans?
    Angles and Saxons
  • Where did the Vikings to to find new land to farm?
    i-viking to Scotland and Ireland