
Practicing Modal Verbs + Be

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  • The speaker isn't making any eye contact or asking the audience any questions. How do you think she feels?
    She must be nervous about giving a presentation.
  • All of the children in the class only play with their phones and don't listen to the teacher. How do you think the teacher feels?
    The teacher must feel frustrated and annoyed that nobody is paying attention.
  • The job applicant really impressed the interviewers and has every qualification for the job. What do you think will happen?
    He must be the person who will get the job.
  • My computer won't turn on and I have to finish this presentation by tomorrow. How do you think I am feeling?
    I must be freaking out right now! (freaking out: nervous and panicking)
  • I can see that the speaker has a microphone, but I can't hear the speaker's voice at all. What should someone do?
    Someone should tell him that his microphone isn't working.
  • The presenter is off-topic - he's speaking about something that's totally different than what's on the slide. What would you recommend to him?
    He should be talking about something more relevant to the topic on the slide.
  • His acting role in the film was absolutely amazing. It's the best performance I've seen all year! What do you think will happen to him?
    He must be a contender for an Academy Award this year.