
B2 prepositional verbs

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  • Mathew is using all his time on a new project. WORK
    Mathew is working on a new project.
  • The pilot was able to land the plane in the storm. SUCCEED
    The pilot succeeded in landing the plane in the storm.
  • Kate left New York to live in Paris. MOVE
    Kate moved to Paris from New York.
  • The house has 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. CONSIST
    The house consists of 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms.
  • My uncle has paintings all over the walls. DISPLAY
    My undle has paintings on display all over the walls.
  • Sam spends all his time working. DEVOTE
    Same devotes all his time to his work.
  • This house is my family's property. BELONG
    This house belongs to my family
  • I don't like this style of building very much. APPEAL
    This style of building doesn't appeal to me.
  • My mum fell down the stairs and her whole body hurts. PAIN
    My mum fell down the stairs and now she's in pain.