
Anne of Green Gables

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  • Anne didn't want to see anybody because of her hair. True or false??
  • Why did Anne dye her hair?
    She wanted to be beautiful.
  • What did Anne do with her hair?
    She dyed her hair green.
  • Why did Anne say ''no'' to Gilbert?
    because she was punished at school because of him. She couldn't forgive him for that.
  • Where did Anne and her friends play during summer?
    in an old boat on a river
  • Anne's friends thought she was: lost or dead?
  • At the end of the chapter, what did Anne say about her imagination?
    She won't use her imagination so much from now on.
  • Why did the game in the boat go wrong?
    There was a hole on the boat. Anne had to jump from the boat to a branch of a tree.
  • What's the name of the new vicar?
    Mr. Allan
  • Did Mrs. Allan like the cake?
    No, she didn't.
  • Who helped Anne in the river?
  • In what season of the year is chapter 3 set?
    In spring/summer
  • Gilbert asked Anne to be friends. True or false?
  • What did Marilla do to solve the hair problem?
    She cut Anne's hair off.
  • Marilla wanted to invite Mr. and Mrs. Allan for tea on Wednesday. True or False??
  • What did Anne want to prepare for Mrs. Allan?
    a cake
  • What was the game in the boat about?
    Anne was a prisoner escaping from prison by boat. Her friends would meet her at the bridge.
  • What was in the cake that it tasted so bad?
    It was medicine.
  • Who suddenly appeared in a boat?
  • Anne thought that the bottle of medicine was ....