
Any questions Level 3

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  • What are some of your favorite childhood memories?
    Thank you for sharing
  • How does your family celebrate holidays? (e.g. Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, Etc.)
    Thank you for sharing
  • How many brothers and sisters do you have?
    Thank you for sharing
  • Did your parents or guardian let you stay up late when you were younger?
    Thank you for sharing
  • What is your proudest accomplishment? and Why?
    Thank you for sharing
  • What do you enjoy most about your brothers / sisters/ cousins/ friends?
    Thank you for sharing
  • Did your parents or guardian let you play video games? If so, what are your favorite childhood video games?
    Thank you for sharing
  • How often do you go on vacation with your family?
    Thank you for sharing
  • Who or What makes you laugh the most?
    Thank you for sharing
  • How did you get your name?
    Thank your for sharing
  • What really makes you angry?
    Thank you for sharing