
The Ring by Bernard Smith - Chapters 12 & 13

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  • What is the relationship between THE DOCTOR and RAFAEL? Rosa is Rafael's aunt AND the doctor's aunt ...
    They are (distant) cousins.
  • According to the doctor, Rafael is PHYSICALLY sick, but, MENTALLY, he is healthy.
  • Is Clara a good mum? Why or why not?
    For example: I don't think it is correct to protect your son for a crime.
  • Does the doctor feel angry about Rafael's actions? Why or why not?
    He doesn't feel angry. The doctor thinks that Rafael has paid for his crime with all his years of suffering.
  • WHO writes a letter to the doctor?
    Rodrigo, the shopkeeper, Anita's father
  • In your opinion, why does the doctor see Rafael in his dreams?
    Because he escapes and doesn't solve the mystery. / Because he doesn't help Rafael. / etc.
  • Can the sick person in this picture be Rafael? Why?
    Yes, because Rafael has tuberculosis. He coughs blood. He has fever. He's too thin and yellow. He is weak. (etc.)
  • Does the doctor quit or give up? Does he escape or go to another place?
    Yes, he does. He goes back to the hospital.
  • What does Clara see when Rafael gets back home that Sunday evening? Think about Rafael and his boat.
    Rafael is covered in blood and his clothes are wet. The boat is covered in dark blood, too.
  • Rodrigo's letter says "My dear daughter Anita", "poor Rafael", etc. What feelings do you have  towards Rodrigo?
    Now, he's too generous. It's suspicious to me. / He has changed! / etc.
  • According to the doctor and the uncle, "it's impossible. Rafael has not killed the soldier" because ____________
    Rafael has been in the café. / Rafael is not surprised when he sees the soldier. / He dances to happy music. /
  • The doctor describes himself as __________________
    clever / better / more intelligent than the other people in the village.