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  • How do you normally act when you misunderstand something or someone?
    get the wrong end of the stick
  • When was the last time you did something wrong without getting caught or punished? Talk about it.
    get away with something
  • Talk about somebody you get on very well with. Why?
    get on like a house on fire
  • Talk about a time when you or someone you know didn't understand a joke.
    get the joke
  • How do you manage to organize yourself in order to achieve results at school/work? Give examples.
    get your act together
  • What is something that really annoys you these days? Talk about it.
    get on your nerves
  • How do you manage to get or do what you want, especially when someone is trying to stop you? Give examples of your behaviour.
    get your own way
  • How do you usually take revenge on someone who offended/upset you?
    get my own back on
  • When was the last time you had a good opportunity to do something extraordinary? How often does this happen?
    get the chance
  • How often do you find yourself in a situation in which you can be criticized or punished? How do you solve it?
    get into trouble with