
Alphabet Food

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  • Name a food that starts with the letter F
    Fruit, Fries, Fairy cake
  • Name a food that starts with the letter D
    Donut, Dumpling, Dates
  • Name a food that starts with the letter M
    Meat, Meatballs, Mint, Melon
  • Name a food that starts with the letter L
  • Name a food that starts with the letter K
    Kale, Kiwi
  • Name a food that starts with the letter B
    Banana, Beans, Bread
  • Name a food that starts with the letter J
    Jackfruit, Jelly
  • Name a food that starts with the letter E
    Eggs, Enchiladas, English Muffin, Eggroll
  • Name a food that starts with the letter Y
  • Name a food that starts with the letter G
    Grapes, Greek Yogurt
  • Name a food that starts with the letter C
    Cabbage, Cake, Chocolate
  • Name a food that starts with the letter I
    Ice cream
  • Name a food that starts with the letter S
    Salmon, Salad, Salami, Soup
  • Name a food that starts with the letter P
    Pizza, Pie, Peach, Pumpkin, Pancakes
  • Name a food that starts with the letter Z
  • Name a food that starts with the letter R
    Rice, Radish, Raspberry
  • Name a food that starts with the letter W
    Watermelon, Wheat
  • Name a food that starts with the letter A
    Apple, Almond, Avocados
  • Name a food that starts with the letter T
    Tacos,Tomatoes, Tangerine
  • Name a food that starts with the letter O
    Onion, Oatmeal, Olive, Orange