
Making Comparisons

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  • LG TV 500€ vs Sony TV 900€ CHEAP
    The LG TV is cheaper than the Sony TV.
  • My house 120 metres squared vs His house 90 metres squared BIG
    My house is bigger than his house.
  • She dresses (=) a fashion model. ELEGANT
    as elegantly as
  • She's (↑) person I know. FRIENDLY
    the friendliest
  • She finds physics (=) maths. CHALLENGE
    as challenging as
  • ↑ people at the party, ↑ good
    The more people at the party, the better.
  • These trainers are (↓) ones in the shop. EXPENSIVE
    the least expensive
  • The party's majority in government is (≠) it was. BIG
    not as big as
  • He (≠) his classmates. WORK / QUICK
    doesn't work as quickly as
  • ↓ Alick talks, ↓ bored we are
    The less Alick talks, the less bored we are.