
Travel and transport (Phrasal verbs)

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  • D.1 We can (start our journey) .................. towards the mountains at dawn.
    set out/off
  • D.5 The most exciting moment is when the plane (leaves the ground) ........................ .
    takes off
  • C.6 6 1 think the neighbours have ..................................... away far the weekend.
  • C.2 If it starts to rain, ..................................... for a nearby cave to wait far it to pass.
  • D.3 1 asked the taxi driver to (let me get out) ....................... outside the train station.
    drop me off
  • D.2 Dad fetched the luggage while Mum (registered )....................... at the hotel.
    checked us in
  • D.6 Stop the car! I think we've ( hit )........................... a dog.
    run over
  • C.8 We're going on holiday tomorrow, but we'II call you when we ..................................... back.
  • C.1 Let's go to the airport to ..................... Grandpa off when he flies back home.
  • C.7 John's up ahead so Greg is pedalling fast to ..................................... up with him.
  • C.3 We would like to remind all guests that they must ....................... out before midday.
  • C.5 Every Saturday night my dad ............... us up outside the cinema.
  • D.7 I don't think a horse can ever (stay at the same speed as) ........... a car.
    keep up with
  • D.4 Oh, no! l've forgotten my passport! We'II have to (go back) ................... and get it!
    turn around
  • C.4 Please .................... in and stop so that I can buy something to drink.