
UNIT 2. Traveling Vocabulary

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  • a piece of paper that shows that you have paid to do something such as travel on a train, bus, plane, etc
    ticket (n): We'll send your tickets a week before your flight.
  • An occasion when you go somewhere and come back again
    trip (n) The whole family went on a trip to Florida.
  • to be too late for something such as a train or bus
    miss (v): I missed the last train home again.
  • an area of land that is controlled by a particular country, leader or army
    territory (n) : Russian troops crossed into Austrian territory in February 1849.
  • to take someone or something with you from one place to another
    bring (v): Bring a coat in case it turns cold.
  • a short journey that you make for pleasure
    excursion (n): My grandmother often talks about going on excursions to the sea when she was a girl.
  • to move or carry someone or something from one place to another
    take (v): What time do you take Amy to school?
  • the land on which we live
    earth (n): They felt the earth shake.
  • an amount of money that you pay to be allowed to do something such as join an organisation
    fee (n): The gallery charges a sma/1 en trance fee.
  • an occasion when you travel from one place to another, especially over a long distance:
    journey (n): We had a long journey ahead of us.
  • a long journey, especially on a ship
    voyage (n): It was a long way from London to New York by sea, but the voyage was quite relaxing.
  • the money that you pay for a journey
    fare (n) The fare from York to Leeds has gone up.
  • to no longer have something
    lose (v): Mike lost his job last year.
  • an amount of time
    period (n) : The long dry period ended with heavy rain.
  • a person or a thing that you see that has a particular feature:
    sight (n). Windmills are a common sight in this part of the country.
  • a part of a place or building
    area (n) Bus services in rural areas are not very good.
  • the activity of travelling
    travel (n): Foreign travel never really appealed to him until he retired.
  • the things that you can see from a particular place
    view (n): We had a spectacular view of the mountains from our room.
  • one of the four periods into which the year is divided according to the weather
    season (n)
  • the planet that we live on
    world (n): It's easy these days to communicate with people who live on the other side of the wor/d.