
History Project

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  • What did archaeologists find in Pompeii in 1752?
    A lamp
  • What did people use the mirrors for?
    To look at themselves and to look at the sun.
  • Why did they think the lamp belonged to a rich family?
    Because it was made of bronze.
  • What was made form obsidian?
    The mirror
  • What did people believe Tlaloc did?
    When he was happy he sent good rain and when he was unhappy he sent bad rain.
  • Whose face is on the bowl?
    Aztec figure Tlaloc.
  • How many people lived in Catalhoyuk?
  • Who invented scissors?
  • What do they produce in a factory in Hangzhou?
  • What happened to Pompeii?
    It was destroyed by a volcano.
  • Which object did Sophie talk about?
    The bowl.
  • Which object did Leo talk about?
    The lamp.