
Complete IELTS 6.5-7.5 Unit 1 vocabulary

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  • a very large number of different things
    a vast range (of) np [C]
  • people’s ability to develop and achieve good things in the future
    human potential (nphr)
  • a relationship between people/organizations.  that depend on each other equally (sự cộng sinh)
    Symbiosis (noun) [ U ] /ˌsɪm.baɪˈəʊ.sɪs/ (sự cộng sinh)
  • extremely intelligent, or having a natural ability to do something extremely well
    highly gifted (adj)
  • a strong feeling of wanting to achieve or have something, felt by all the members of a group
    a common desire (noun phr)
  • done by machines and not people
    automated (adj)
  • a very successful person who achieves a lot in their life
    high achiever (n.phr)
  • Money for the project will be __________through local government.
  • to increase the size or value of something by adding something to it
    Augment verb [ T ] /ɔːɡˈment/
  • If an organisation or activity brings people together, it causes people to do something as a group.
    bring people together (v.phr)
  • the learning of skills that prepare you for a job
    vocational training np [U]
  • very unusual, special or surprising
    extraordinary (adj)
  • to make someone feel enthusiastic about a subject and give them the idea to do something
    inspire v [T]
  • practical and realistic
    down-to-earth (adj) (thực tế, không viễn vông)
  • Revenues from 'green taxes' could then be _____ back into energy efficiency.
  • being the person who causes something to happen
    responsible for something (adj)
  • The textbook covers ________ topics.
    a wide range of
  • He is mentally ill and cannot ___________ his actions
    held responsible for
  • at the point when
    by the time (phrase)
  • to succeed in getting one of the most important jobs in a particular career
    get to the top
  • to use something all the time, without thinking how useful it is or how lucky you are to have it
    take something for granted (phrase)
  • necessary to make something succeed
    crucial (adj)
  • The local economy is largely ______ tourism.
    based upon
  • buildings, equipment or services that are provided for a particular purpose
    facilities  (n)
  • to direct something into a particular situation
    channel verb  /ˈtʃæn.əl/
  • When I was in prison, I realized I __________ (didn't appreciate my freedom until it was taken away)
    took my freedom for granted