
YL Daily Routine School Day

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  • What does she do at 7 o'clock?
    She does her homework at seven o'clock.
  • What does he do at 30 minutes past 7 o'clock?
    He gets dressed at half past seven o'clock.
  • What does she do at 15 minutes past 7 o'clock?
    She gets up at a quarter past seven o'clock.
  • What do they do at 9 o'clock?
    They have dinner at nine o'clock.
  • What do they do at 11 o'clock?
    They have breaktime at eleven o'clock.
  • What do they do at 20 minutes past 7 o'clock?
    They have breakfast at twenty past seven o'clock.
  • What does she do at 30 minutes past 8 o'clock?
    She puts on her pyjamas at half past eight o'clock.
  • What does she do at 15 minutes to 8 o'clock
    She brushes her hair at a quarter to eight.
  • What does he do at 10 minutes past 7 o'clock?
    He hits the snooze button at ten past seven o'clock.
  • What do they do at 15 minutes to 9 o'clock?
    They meet their friends at a quarter to nine o'clock.
  • What do they do at 30 minutes past 3 o'clock?
    They do P.E. at half past three o'clock.
  • What do they do at 5 o'clock?
    They leave school at five o'clock.
  • What does he do at 30 minutes past 9 o'clock?
    He cleans (washes) up at half past nine o'clock.
  • What does he do at 20 minutes to 8 o'clock?
    He brushes his teeth at twenty to eight o'clock.
  • What do they do at 8 o'clock?
    They have a bath at eight o'clock.
  • What do they do at 10 o'clock?
    They read a bedtime story at 10 o'clock.
  • What does he do at 10 o'clock?
    He goes to bed at ten o'clock.
  • What does she do at 8 o'clock?
    She packs her bag at eight o'clock.
  • What do they do at 30 minutes past 8 o'clock?
    They go to school at half past eight o'clock.
  • What does he do at 10 minutes to 8 o'clock?
    He makes his bed at ten to eight o'clock.
  • What do they do at 9 o'clock?
    They go to class at nine o'clock.
  • What do they do at 15 minutes to 10 o'clock?
    They brush their teeth at a quarter to ten o'clock.
  • What does he do at 7 o'clock?
    He wakes up at seven o'clock.
  • What do they do at 1 o'clock?
    They have lunch at one o'clock.