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  • If they made a movie or series about your life, what kind of movie/series would it be?
  • What is the scariest movie/serie you have ever seen? What's the funniest? What's the most romantic?
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  • Can you remember the name of the first movie you saw that made you cry?
  • Do you prefer fiction or nonfiction movies? How about Series?
  • What is your all-time favorite movie? And TV series?
  • What’s the best and worst movie you’ve seen?
  • Have you ever seen the same movie more than once? If yes, name it (or them).
  • Do you prefer to watch movies alone or with friends?
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  • If a book has been made into a movie, which do you prefer to do first, see the movie or read the book? Why?
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  • Are addicted to watching Series?
  • Who is your favourite and least favourite actor?
  • What do people usually eat and drink at the cinema?
  • What is the longest film you've ever seen? How many hours was it?
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  • Has a movie ever made you cry?
  • What kind of movie do you like?
  • Have you ever been scared by a movie and if so, why?