
Let's Go 3 unit 3 review

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  • How's she going to school?
    She's going by train.
  • Where's the lunchroom? (between, office, bathroom)
    It's between the office and the bathroom.
  • Where's the office? (accross from, bathroom)
    It's accross from the bathroom.
  • Are they going to the repair shop?
    Yes, they are.
  • Where's she going?
    She's going to the bakery.
  • Are they going to the bakery?
    Yes, they are.
  • Where's the music room? (next to, office)
    It's next to the office.
  • How's he going to school?
    He's going by taxi.
  • Where's she going?
    She's going to the airport.
  • How's he going to school?
    He's going on foot.
  • Where's he going?
    He's going to the clinic.
  • How's he going to school?
    He's going by bus.
  • Are they going to the factory?
    Yes, they are.
  • Where's she going?
    She's going to the store.
  • Where's the art room? (next to, office)
    It's next to the office.
  • Where's he going?
    He's going to the office.
  • Where's the gym? (across from, classroom)
    It's across from the classroom.
  • Are they going to the clinic?
    No, they aren't.
  • Where's he going?
    He's going to the factory.
  • How's she going to school?
    She's going by car.
  • Are they going to the office?
    No, they aren't.
  • Where's he going?
    He's going to the repair shop.
  • How's he going to school?
    He's going by bike.
  • Where's the class room? (between, lunchroom, office)
    It's between the lunchroom and the office.