
6th Grade Research BOOTCAMP (Day 2)

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  • What is the difference between a search engine and a database?
    Search engines (like Google) give you websites (anyone can make a website). Databases give you quality sources.
  • What keywords could I type into the search bar if I was researching about inventions in Ancient Rome?
    Ancient Rome inventions, Ancient Rome technology, Ancient Rome innovation, Ancient Rome weapons, Ancient Rome tools, Ancient Rome utensils, aqueducts
  • What keywords could I type into the search bar if I wanted to learn more about daily life in the Victorian Era?
    Victorian daily life, Victorian clothing, Victorian jobs, Victorian households, Victorian hygiene, Victorian food, Victorian customs
  • What are some types of sources?
    Book, newspaper article, magazine, encyclopedia article, image, video, website, person,
  • What are the 5 steps of the NMS Research Process?
    Ask - Search - SIFT - Conclude - Cite
  • Research always starts with a...
  • Where can I find the databases?
    Library website (on Clever)
  • Why do we need the SIFT method?
    Anyone can make a website and just because it is online, does not make it true! When we decide to use Google, we must investigate the source before reading it.
  • Name one of the databases we explored in Part 1
    Middle School in Context, Britannica School, World Geography and Culture
  • WHERE do quality sources of information LIVE?