
What Does Your Skeleton Do?

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  • What did your skeleton eat?
    My skeleton ate cheetos.
  • Where did your skeleton sleep?
    My skeleton slept in a coffin.
  • Where did your skeleton hide?
    My skeleton hid behind a bush.
  • Where did your skeleton sit?
    My skeleton sat on the couch.
  • What did your skeleton shake?
    My skeleton shook the snow globe.
  • What did you hear your skeleton do?
    I heard my skeleton play the piano.
  • What did your skeleton read?
    My skeleton read a book.
  • Where did your skeleton fall?
    My skeleton fell down.
  • What did your skeleton bring?
    My skeleton brought a pizza.
  • What did your skeleton throw?
    My skeleton threw the cat.
  • What did your skeleton drink?
    My skeleton drank juice.
  • What did your skeleton drive?
    My skeleton drove a car.
  • What did your skeleton buy?
    My skeleton bought food/toys/clothes.
  • What did your skeleton take?
    My skeleton took a bath.
  • What did your skeleton ride?
    My skeleton rode a hoverboard.
  • Where did your skeleton sit?
    My skeleton sat on a cloud.