
Watershed Review Game

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  • 3% of the water on our planet is useable. Of that 2% of that is ______________.
    Ice or glaciers
  • __________________ surfaces are surfaces or material that water or other liquids cannot get through
    Impermeable or impervious
  • _______________ is the process in which the earth’s surface (rock and soil) is worn away by water, ice, and wind
  • ______________________ is pollution that cannot be traced to a single source
    Non-point source pollution
  • Of all the water on the planet, only _________ is fresh, useable water.
  • The Greek root of this sphere means water
  • A ________________________ is the land that water flows across or under on its way to a body of water such as a stream, river, lake, or bay
  • Give an example of point source pollution
    Answer varies
  • Give an example of non-point source pollution
    Answer varies
  • True or False: A single source of pollution, even if it is not near a body of water, can pollute an entire watershed?
  • About 97% of our water is ___________________ water.
    Salt and unusable
  • Earth is a ___________ system. Meaning nothing comes in or out.
  • What type of data is being collected on the sources of water pollution in the ocean
  • _________________ surfaces are surfaces or materials that water or other liquids can get through
    Permeable or pervious
  • What is a method of reducing pollutants from entering our watershed?
    Answer varies
  • ______________________ is particles of rock, mud, soil, and sand picked up by water from the land
  • ______________________ is pollution that can be traced to a single source
    Point source
  • This sphere includes water in all forms (solid, liquid, or gas). Oceans, rivers, lakes, water vapor, groundwater, and water frozen in glaciers.
  • _________________ is water (rain, melted snow, hail, irrigation, car washing, etc) that flows over land before reaching streams or other surface water
  • This sphere includes all the gases surrounding the Earth. The Greek root means vapor
  • True or false: The water cycle shows that water moves through all of earth's spheres (hydrosphere, biosphere, atmosphere, and geosphere)
  • Sometimes called the lithosphere. This sphere includes rocks and minerals. It starts at the ground and extends all the way down to Earth’s core.
  • This sphere is made up of all the living things on Earth and it includes fish, birds, plants, and even people.
  • Give an example of Earth's interdependent spheres. How do two spheres overlap and rely on one another?
    Answers vary